
10 12 2010

Because every once and a while…random is totally okay. And because I like to make up words.

1. I hate the sound of the microwave going off.  So I wait.  I fully understand that the point of that annoying high pitched buzzer is to allow you free time while your food is being nuked, but I can’t seem to tear myself away from the clock while it’s rolling down the time until my food is ready.  So that I can hit that button.  Just. In. Time. Saving my ears one microwave bag of popcorn at a time. 

2. I hate it when I’m driving and dancing at the same time and people look at me like I’ve grown ten eyes from the next car over.  My car time is way funner than their car time.  I’m almost positive.

3. Speaking of cars, my first job was at an auto garage.  The way I remembered what parts were which: I associated them with things.  Like, for example, a transmission looks like an ant eater.  Didn’t know?  Well, now you do.

4. One of the first times I went to eat with Rusty’s parents, I had my cute outfit on, I spent about an hour just on my hair, and I was all about making a good impression.  They took me to a pizza place.  One that I had never been to.  You know, where they serve everything individually and have about 6 different pizza sizes?  Well, back then, I apparently never wanted to eat too much and wanted to know the portion size of everything.  (not exactly the case anymore.)  I take a glimpse at their smallest pizza and ask, “how big is an 8 inch pizza?”  My future father in law looked at me and laughed from across the table and answered “8 inches.”  Yeah… great first impression.  Six years later and they’re STILL talking about it. 

5. I still fast forward the part of the Lion King where Mufasa dies.  I’m tender that way.

6. The older I get, the more I realize.  I’m turning into my mom.   And occasionally, even when no one is in the car, if I make a hard stop, my hand goes out to protect the invisible passenger.  And then I get all creeped out about it. 

7.  I used to think I was going to marry Zac Hanson.  When I was like, twelve–he was the bi-ness.

8. Bon Qui Qui makes me laugh.  Every. Time.  It NEVER gets old. 

9. I had mouth surgery when I was sixteen.  And on the way out, I tried to walk through the glass doors.  They gave me a LOT of gas.

10.  I secretly like our donkey.  Named Jack.  And last night, I fed him part of an apple.  I used to think he was approprietly named.  Because he used to keep me up at night with his HE-HAWING.  But last night, when those big brown eyes looked at me and those ears puckered up, I fell in love.  And his nose is soft.  I think I’ve finally come to the point where I can put the past behind us.  Especially if he lets me rub his nose again.  I liked it.  But don’t tell anyone.  Especially him.  He has a big enough head already. 

11. One day, about a month or two ago, I saw my friend in the student center and ran up behind her to give her a really big hug.  And then she turned to look at me.  And she gave me that wide eyed “what on earth are you doing, you creeper!” look.  And then I realized.  It’s not my friend.  It was a stranger.  For weeks I liked to think that I made her day. You know, to rationalize the wierdness.  Well, I saw her again today.  And without words, she came up and gave me a hug.  And I smiled. 

OOOH:  Edited to add:  #129098349 of learning by doing tip in the kitchen.  Candles melt in pumpkin pies that come right out of the oven.  Just FYI.  Add  a little cheer to your deserts without flames and wax.  Stick with sprinkles.  Or cool whip. 

Happy Friday!